I make elderberry tinctures using spices and honey

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I often wonder about whether an herb is as effective in, let's say, a tincture vs. a capsule, especially if something tastes awful...add that to vodka and it can be bad! The Middlebury co-op only sells dried burdock root in kind of a minced size, but I want to take it as a capsule. It takes FOREVER to try and grind it up in my coffee grinder, so I wonder whether it would be better to use it as a tincture...but, yuck!

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Based on my experience with 30% bee propolis extract ( not a solution) consumption, I would recommend you to blend a certain number of your tincture with 1 tspoon of Manuka honey or any other solid honey if you cannot afford medicinal grade Manuka.

You gonna see how pleasant and effective your morning ritual is gonna be. While Shilajit provides with NO pleasant taste and slightly awful aroma, I do consume it with 50 ml of warm water on a daily basis. After 4 years I found it not so much horrible to taste as it was before.

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With burdock, if you're after the whole root, including the inulins, then the capsule is good. When you make a tincture, the inulin precipitates, because these carbohydrate polymers, which support the microbiome, liver & immune functions, are insoluble in alcohol.

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That's why you have to use a menstrum with water and alcohol like vodka 100 which is 50 percent water and 50 percent alcohol, it will give a strong medicinal tincture full of insulin. It will sink to the bottom, just don't filter it out but shake before each use. Tinctures keep for years, powders are only good for one year before diminishing.

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Inulin Not insulin

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Still the inulin is insoluble in the alcoholic mix, and impairs the content uniformity of the product and the doses. (This is why suspending agents are used in the manufactured liquid forms containing insoluble elements.) So I like to point out that eating the root is good. You only carmelize some of the goodies in the stir fry process, and it's yummy.

I have some background training and experience which do not allow me to accept that tinctures are all super long lasting. They vary quite a bit.

It is true that the ethanol does inhibit the microbial degradation and enzymatic reactions, and this does help. But the oxidation and photoreactions and chemical reactions among the numerous ingredients continue, and potency is lost over time. In addition, the 1:5 dry or 1:2 fresh tinctures are fairly dilute with respect to the chemical constituents, and calculating to true medicinal doses that are found to work in herbal clinical trials, means that a significant quantity of ethanol usually must be ingested in the course of treatment.

The pharmacognosists are exhaustively extracting and drying down the menstruums, then resuspending the residue for use in the animal or clinical trials. Once you run your calculator back to the raw plant material that is in each study dose..... it's a lot. (Then you find out why the Chinese use massive doses of dried plant material compared to people in the West.)

I aim to help the herbalists to make products that have good physical activity, and to also encourage maximum support of the excellent placebo effect (the woo) which also heals us.

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In fact, vodka is a blend of 40% alcohol and 60% of purified water. That is why all REAL tinctures or extracts made with at least of 70% alcohol.

Same time a vast majority has no idea about how to consume such based on alcohol tinctures or extracts right to let all goodness to be absorbed and delivered to our blood stream directly bypassing a digestive system.

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Also the strength of alcohol depends on solubility ,most herbs or substances are both water and alcohol soluble and require both and for that vod is a works best but if alcohol soluble then a higher grain alcohol like you mentioned work better, so "real" tinctures are always made with the right menstrum for product.

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Vodka 80 percent is 40 percent alcohol and 60 percent water, vodka 100 is 50 percent water and 50 percent alcohol and everclear 151, all we can get here in Michigan,is 75 percent alcohol and 25 percent water

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Dear, do not blend two grading systems of alcohol : PROOF and alcohol PERCENTAGE in %. Vodka is a trade name of an alcoholic beverage created and patented by Russian scientist Mendeleev in 19th Century. He made the standard for VODKA by blending 40% by volume of 99.5% clear grain alcohol with 60% by volume of water. Nothing else, no other ratio calls a VODKA. You can buy a grain alcohol diluted in any potency and any % in any state you like, but it won't be a VODKA. Authentic VODKA keeps ONLY 40% of alcohol, the rest is water. That is an axioma.

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I can order it in from an other state but we can only buy 151 proof in store here in Michigan, but guess what, we have 100 proof vodka and 80 proof vodka ,look it up, you don't sound very knowledgeable at all

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Thank you! I'd like to keep taking it as a capsule, but it takes about an hour to grind up enough to make 100 capsules. It's tough stuff!

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I cut the roots into small pieces or even hash brown potato consistency before drying when the roots can be easier to handle. That finer consistency is much easier to powder later.

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I stirfry and eat it. It's Japanese food, which is how I first learned it was good. You can do dandelion and chicory for the inulin also. Burdock can sweeten up, and round out a lot of herb formulas.

I've posted about all 3 since coming to SubStack, because they're great weeds.

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It is amazing such topic was converted into a blog. Based on my 9 years long experience trying to find Americans believing in preventive medicine I can state such people constitute a very tiny row of our society. All mother nature forces work well only for disciplined consumers. A vast majority of modern population denies preventive medicine concept, people want to become healthy overnight believing in a miraculous and magical pharmaceutical omnipotent pill.

There is a reason our nation is chronically sick - a healthcare dogma/brainwash committed and supported by Big Pharma. As a businessman I do understand nobody wants to invest a penny in natural remedies research or clinical trial because they have no chance to be patented. same time, I'm a patient myself , a gastric cancer survivor and I want to share my discovered consumption combo of natural products I found during my 18 years being in remission with as many people as possible. How to do that ? My educational YouTube channel been terminated without certain explanation of the reason.

Such a blog is a great digital window to contact people curious about herbs, mushrooms, beehive products therapeutic properties.

Long life !

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I make a pain salve with mostly comfrey and st Johns wort plus some dandelion and plantain.. it worked well for nerve pain and spasms, I also use it on painful joint.

Lip balm with calendula and violet leave is my favorite, healing and moisturizing.

Hawthorn tincture from berries and flowers keeps my blood pressure in check.

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Cool glossary in this article.

I find a strong yarrow decoction to be pretty good on a cut. The styptic and pain relieving effects are notably short acting, which can be a good thing.

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How do you get all of the miniature insects off of chamomile flowers before you dehydrate them for tea?

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Ah, how true! Herbal teas, with their gentle warmth and nurturing properties, are a true gift from the earth. Nature offers us such simple yet profound remedies—whether it’s chamomile for rest or peppermint for clarity. Let us remember to sip with intention and let the herbs work their quiet magic.


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I notice it automatically charge my credit card. It was taken and I'm still don't know where can I log in. I would like to change my card.

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