In fact, vodka is a blend of 40% alcohol and 60% of purified water. That is why all REAL tinctures or extracts made with at least of 70% alcohol.
Same time a vast majority has no idea about how to consume such based on alcohol tinctures or extracts right to let all goodness to be absorbed and delivered to our blood stream directly bypassing a digestive system.
In fact, vodka is a blend of 40% alcohol and 60% of purified water. That is why all REAL tinctures or extracts made with at least of 70% alcohol.
Same time a vast majority has no idea about how to consume such based on alcohol tinctures or extracts right to let all goodness to be absorbed and delivered to our blood stream directly bypassing a digestive system.
Also the strength of alcohol depends on solubility ,most herbs or substances are both water and alcohol soluble and require both and for that vod is a works best but if alcohol soluble then a higher grain alcohol like you mentioned work better, so "real" tinctures are always made with the right menstrum for product.
Vodka 80 percent is 40 percent alcohol and 60 percent water, vodka 100 is 50 percent water and 50 percent alcohol and everclear 151, all we can get here in Michigan,is 75 percent alcohol and 25 percent water
Dear, do not blend two grading systems of alcohol : PROOF and alcohol PERCENTAGE in %. Vodka is a trade name of an alcoholic beverage created and patented by Russian scientist Mendeleev in 19th Century. He made the standard for VODKA by blending 40% by volume of 99.5% clear grain alcohol with 60% by volume of water. Nothing else, no other ratio calls a VODKA. You can buy a grain alcohol diluted in any potency and any % in any state you like, but it won't be a VODKA. Authentic VODKA keeps ONLY 40% of alcohol, the rest is water. That is an axioma.
I can order it in from an other state but we can only buy 151 proof in store here in Michigan, but guess what, we have 100 proof vodka and 80 proof vodka ,look it up, you don't sound very knowledgeable at all
In fact, vodka is a blend of 40% alcohol and 60% of purified water. That is why all REAL tinctures or extracts made with at least of 70% alcohol.
Same time a vast majority has no idea about how to consume such based on alcohol tinctures or extracts right to let all goodness to be absorbed and delivered to our blood stream directly bypassing a digestive system.
Also the strength of alcohol depends on solubility ,most herbs or substances are both water and alcohol soluble and require both and for that vod is a works best but if alcohol soluble then a higher grain alcohol like you mentioned work better, so "real" tinctures are always made with the right menstrum for product.
Vodka 80 percent is 40 percent alcohol and 60 percent water, vodka 100 is 50 percent water and 50 percent alcohol and everclear 151, all we can get here in Michigan,is 75 percent alcohol and 25 percent water
Dear, do not blend two grading systems of alcohol : PROOF and alcohol PERCENTAGE in %. Vodka is a trade name of an alcoholic beverage created and patented by Russian scientist Mendeleev in 19th Century. He made the standard for VODKA by blending 40% by volume of 99.5% clear grain alcohol with 60% by volume of water. Nothing else, no other ratio calls a VODKA. You can buy a grain alcohol diluted in any potency and any % in any state you like, but it won't be a VODKA. Authentic VODKA keeps ONLY 40% of alcohol, the rest is water. That is an axioma.
I can order it in from an other state but we can only buy 151 proof in store here in Michigan, but guess what, we have 100 proof vodka and 80 proof vodka ,look it up, you don't sound very knowledgeable at all