I find that most homestead idea that I want to learn is on you site. It answers my questions. Keep up the good work

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I 'found' you when looking for what to do with all the wood ash accumulated over last winter, and then stumbled into all your other posts. I printed out your mead (and micro-batch) posts and refer to them a lot. I missed the egg posts, and since my 4 girls are laying 3-4 eggs per day (still!) I will work on preserving their output.

I appreciate all your posts, and your photos are always gorgeous. One of my favorite substacks, and one that inspires me in my own writing--and in my self-sufficiency endeavors. Happy New Year, and peace...

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50 meals in a jar is definitely my favorite. I do a lot of canning and this is my favorite way to provide quick easy meals. Keep up the good work

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Most inspiring…Thank You!

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There is no way I can pick a favorite because I like them all. I know that if I need to learn how to do something or need a recipe that I will find it here. This is my favorite newsletter.

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At the moment it is your raspberry mead. I am making a batch right now. Still have about 3 more weeks to go.

It is just me, I'm 73, so a lot of this is too much for me, but I like having the resource if and when it might be needed. I enjoy reading all your post. Your canning post are excellent. Please keep up the good work.

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Such yummy suggestions! Want to try them all! Best wishes for the New Year!

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Does anyone besides me recycle brown cardboard boxes, minus tape and labels, for the compost pile? All the boxes sweetheart and I get from amazon every year would fill a 10 yard dump truck. I started saving three or four years back. Since I stopped mowing my suburban yard, letting dandelions and wild violet grow or whatever takes root, my lawn mower is now my box pulverizer. I let the boxes sit out in the weather, soaking up water and breaking down, and about late March attack the pile with the lawn mower and grind them up. This gets added to yard and raised gardens. Good exercise for this 79 year old short fat guy.

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