What a fun article! I'm 70 and county fairs when I was a child had 3 rides, ball toss and shooting gallery. I lived in agricultural Pennsylvania so 25 acres had the animals, food production and knitter's/crocheters barns. The animal shows were the best with small rodeos, blue ribbon cattle, horse shows etc. Where I am now, in Virginia, I…
What a fun article! I'm 70 and county fairs when I was a child had 3 rides, ball toss and shooting gallery. I lived in agricultural Pennsylvania so 25 acres had the animals, food production and knitter's/crocheters barns. The animal shows were the best with small rodeos, blue ribbon cattle, horse shows etc. Where I am now, in Virginia, I'd have to drive 200+ miles to find the old style fair. Again, thanks. It helped me take a happy trip down memory lane.
What a fun article! I'm 70 and county fairs when I was a child had 3 rides, ball toss and shooting gallery. I lived in agricultural Pennsylvania so 25 acres had the animals, food production and knitter's/crocheters barns. The animal shows were the best with small rodeos, blue ribbon cattle, horse shows etc. Where I am now, in Virginia, I'd have to drive 200+ miles to find the old style fair. Again, thanks. It helped me take a happy trip down memory lane.