Sep 2Liked by Ashley Adamant

Ashley, thank you for your articles and for your offers of help. Have you ever written a thorough review of generators? We have two big freezers full of food, but it haunts me a bit that in a long blackout, we’d lose a lot of it, because we don’t have a generator. I would appreciate a review of the best generators for the purpose of keeping a couple of freezers running, and a discount code. Thank you!!

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I keep trying to tap my husband to do this one, as he actually knows quite a bit about them and could do a really great job on the subject. I'll nudge him again on this one =)

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Sep 2Liked by Ashley Adamant

I made some bad decisions stocking up during COVID that I won’t repeat, i.e. spaghettios, instant cup ramen. The past few years I have been able to increase my garden size and can and freeze my harvests. Food security for me now isn't just having food, it’s just as much about having healthy food.

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Yeah, that's the truth for sure!

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Sep 2Liked by Ashley Adamant

I love your reviews. I’m a newbie at being prepared. I am an herbalist and would like to expand my knowledge if you have any practical articles about stocking your medicinal cupboard for things that will treat ailments when we can’t get medical help!

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That's a great idea Carolyn!

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Sep 2Liked by Ashley Adamant

UK Calling! Planning to keep a Store cupboard going! TINS, COFFEE, TEAS, Everything I can think off! First Aid and Cleaning Products and Meds and Warm Clothes for Autumn and Winter and plenty of Camping Equipment for Blackouts which I'm secretly looking forward too! Outside Cooking too!

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Sep 3Liked by Ashley Adamant

Hi Ashley, I have been enjoying your news letters so much! I have put up food for years, since getting out of the military (and am now just finally starting to homestead.) My income became seasonal and I learned to reap when times were good and enjoy the bounty when times were lean. This has kept me well for years. I was a linguist in the military, and one of my duties was helping the civilian families be prepared for movement should something happen and we all needed to relocate. Anyway, this summer, one of our kids tried to hide in the chest freezer while playing. Luckily, he did not succeed at that but he did succeed at leaving the door ajar for about 4 days before I discovered it. As you may imagine the compressor burned out and we lost over 8 months of meat that we had put up. Do you have any coupons for chest freezer companies? TIA.

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Oh wow! I'm glad he didn't succeed on that one, but sorry about your chest freezer. I don't have any major appliance coupons, and companies like that tend not to put them out (unfortunately).

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My favorite is Mountain House. Made right here in my home state, where we grow the tastiest food in the country.

But the prices. Uff da.

It’s basically made for backpackers, not survivalists.

Always check the labels / ingredients. Wise foods, for instance, contain no meat. Only soy protein. So in a survival situation, you’ll be growing some nice man-boobs to play with while you wait for the emergency to end.

Bonus hint: gun shows are a good place to comparison shop. Some vendors even have samples to taste.

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If you like Mountain House, give Peak Refuel a try. They have A LOT of meat in their meals, and I've loved every one I tried. Lots of protein for sure. But, expensive like mountain house.

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Sep 3Liked by Ashley Adamant

Wow! The articles you have planned for this winter are awesome.

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Thanks Kim!

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Sep 2Liked by Ashley Adamant

As always, you sharing experiences and common sense is invaluable. In rural Chicagoland, I try to keep a few months supply of food. We have a Cosco 10 minutes from us, but I believe in the event of something catastrophic, the store would be empty overnight...

One of my biggest fears is winter warmth with loss of power, so I'm going to prepare my 50 gallon Vogelzang drum heater to vent outside if I put it in my downstairs. I have a natural gas heater, but will need hose and shut off. Last option. Down sleeping bags rated to -20 also a option.

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Sep 2Liked by Ashley Adamant

Like your more practical reviews. In Texas we have had 2 storms that knocked out power to 2 million people for up to 10 days. And these were classified Cat 1; and so many didn’t prep enough. Several deaths due to carbon monoxide; heat stroke and trees falling

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Sep 2Liked by Ashley Adamant

Timely and important information. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and experience and the links, too. Super helpful.

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Sep 2Liked by Ashley Adamant

I actually started preparing this summer. I bought a stand up deep freezer and started storing meat. My goal is one years worth of meat. My other deep freezer, I will start storing frozen fruits and vegetables for one year. I’ve started using canned fruits and vegetables and I keep those in the pantry. Dry goods are next on my list

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Washing clothes, how to hang them on a line.

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Wow that's quite the list of resources you have shared! Thank you!! My tip to anyone reading is to not wait to start gardening until you really need the food! Gardening for real food production is not as easy as you may think! Having a few years of experience if/when the time comes that you NEED to grow your own will be invaluable!

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Bless you x Boots and Socks and Foot&Boot Care products too

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I'm really looking forward to the Apartment Preparedness article. I often feel so left out with so much focused on people who have yards.

My mom and I tried growing food on their balcony and learned that gardening when you're higher than the tree line is a lesson in futility, lol.

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I have been following your post for a few years now. I would like to know which dehydrator you use. I would like a recommendation for preferably an American made one. My Nesco gardenmaster just died.

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