Supposedly, sea buckthorn is good in zones 2 to 8, but they say that about honeyberry too and it takes very specific varieties to grow above zone 6 with honeyberries. Seaberries are really vigorous though, so maybe they're not the same and they can do well in zone 7? I have no direct knowledge of this, but I think they'd be worth a try.
Supposedly, sea buckthorn is good in zones 2 to 8, but they say that about honeyberry too and it takes very specific varieties to grow above zone 6 with honeyberries. Seaberries are really vigorous though, so maybe they're not the same and they can do well in zone 7? I have no direct knowledge of this, but I think they'd be worth a try.
Supposedly, sea buckthorn is good in zones 2 to 8, but they say that about honeyberry too and it takes very specific varieties to grow above zone 6 with honeyberries. Seaberries are really vigorous though, so maybe they're not the same and they can do well in zone 7? I have no direct knowledge of this, but I think they'd be worth a try.