This does not have to be a once in a lifetime experience, If you ever want to come hunting with hawks, I'm 30 minutes from Manchester and it's free!

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Wait...what? Really!?!?!

If you're serious, I'm definitely coming.

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Yeah. I'm a general falconer and have been flying birds for over a decade. I currently fly a redtail, in the fall I'll probably be flying a falcon as well. It's a blue collar hobby in Washington County! So yeah, of course I'm serious!

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Awesome. I'll send you a direct message.

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Can I come?!!

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That’s a stunning inspiring post!

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Have you heard that AUS Fish & Wildlife Service has decided to kill some 470,000 Barred Owls ? To supposedly save the Spotted Owls ! By hiring trained shooters to kill the owls with shotguns in dense western forests. I can not get any info if NY State is going to kill our Barred Owls ! What idiots dreamed up this plan ? I hope NY is not going to do this too. Can you find out for us ? Thanks.

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If I remember the article I read it was in the state of Washington or Oregon. Maybe even California.

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Thanks Ashley, great post and great photos.

It is so nice to get a little closer to the natural world.

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I live in the Minneapolis/St Paul Twin Cities metro area and we have The Raptor Center, which rescues and rehabilitates injured or orphaned raptors of all species.

They are the ones who saved the Bald Eagle from extinction and released them back into the state in the 1970s.

Anyone can visit The Raptor Center and they also give talks around the area with accompanying birds.

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Awesome picture of the owl in flight. Truly majestic.

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Alba bonding with your husband! What a creature. Great read. With thanks from Australia.

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Ah you really got me on this. I have long been enamored with owls and in the last few years been seeing falcons in the area and so intrigued. I can only imagine how it felt to have that experience, but you are right. If the opportunity presents I will make it happen. Thanks for the story and the pictures.

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What a wonderfully uplifting article. I recently got to see an owl up close, and the feeling of being so near to such a majestic animal is incredible. We have a birds of prey centre just outside the town. I've never thought about visiting, but after reading about your experience, I'm going to look into booking a visit.

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We are fortunate to have seen bald eagles in our backyard (northern Massachusetts). But mostly we have a red tailed Hawk and a Cooper's hawk in the back yard. I heard one screeching yesterday. And we have seen an owl too. The Cooper's hawk was seen hunting in our backyard a few years ago. We have a huge dead tree branch that all the birds love perching on. I will bet that class was amazing.

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That’s so awesome and I’ve always wanted to go there. If you travel a little further up the street in the beginning of July, maybe the end of June or maybe it’s the beginning of June they have a lady slipper walk you can go on in this bog and it’s so spectacular you cannot believe it.

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