Spring is finally reaching us here in the north country, and I’m just popping into your inbox quickly to share a few seasonal recipes as well as a giveaway that’s happening over on the Creative Canning Substack.
Ball Canning just updated The Ball Blue Book for 2024, and their new 38th edition has new recipes (as well as new guidance and testing on existing recipes). I went through this edition side by side with the old version, and here’s a list of all the changes in the 38th edition.
The new version has been hard to find, and it’s not available online yet…but I got my hands on a stack of them, and I’m sharing them with you.
Here’s a link to enter the giveaway where I’ll be sending out a copy of the new Ball Blue Book to ten randomly selected winners, and all you need to do is comment on the giveaway post and tell me tell me your favorite thing to can at home. (If you’re new to home canning, let me know what you’re excited to make first.)
Again, the giveaway entry is at this link. That’s where you need to comment to enter.
On or shortly after May 1st, 2024, I’ll select ten individual winners at random from the comments below to receive one book each (There are no right or wrong answers, but comments on creative canning’s substack post only, please).
Books will be mailed via media mail, and the contest is only open to US residents 18 or older. (Sorry, y’all, international shipping is expensive.)

Spring Canning Recipes
In the meantime, here are some late-spring canning recipes for you to try:
Until Next Time,
Ashley at Practical Self Reliance
Hi Ashley,
I wonder if you ever use Pomona Pectin to make jams/jellies. I've used it for over 25 years and it is wonderful for low or no sugar jams/jellies or when the sweetener is alternative such as stevia, maple syrup, honey or agave. It is - as the name implies - apple based. there are recipes included in the packet that give you the ratios/proportions needed to make a very wide range of jams/jellies.
Love your suggestions to get busy with canning. Am so inspired!